The new playground is here!

The buzz at Roosevelt this week was the opening of the new upper campus playground! It’s thanks to your donations to the PTA and last year’s Jog-a-thon success that the PTA built the upper campus playground. Our kids love the merry-go-round, the monkey bars, and everything else included in the new play structure. Thank you to all the PTA board members, workers and volunteers who helped make this happen for our kids! 

Jog-a-thon wrap-up

Jog-a-thon was a great day for our runners, and we raised $32,000. Congratulations to our Grand Prize winner, Anthony Escudero and Runner Up: Clementine Young! We should be proud that 138 students raised money, 102 students met the goal of $80 and 7 classes made their goal. Thank you to our generous sponsors for covering our costs and to all the volunteers who make Jog-a-thon our best community event. Despite these successes, we fell short on our fundraising goal this year, and are looking at ways to reduce our spending in the coming year. As the new school year comes around, we encourage all families to donate to the PTA fund so that we can continue to fund programs like art, music and more. 

Join the PTA Board 

PTA will have open Board positions in the new school year and we seek new members of our parent community to join us. Our current PTA members will all have children in the upper grades and we would like a few parents from the lower grades (K, 1 or 2) to help round out our Board. Open positions include President, Secretary, VP of Events and more. If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, contact PTA President, Allison Fujimoto at

Help with the Pond

Our students LOVE the school pond and Ms. Paulette is having trouble maintaining it on her own. She needs help skimming the pond, feeding the fish, checking the filters and pulling some weeds from time to time. We need volunteer help! If you are interested please reach out to Paulette at 

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to share gratitude for our teachers and Principal.

PTA Meeting in May
The last PTA Meeting of the year Tuesday 5/30. We will be wrapping up the school year and voting for new PTA positions. Please join us to help make next year be the best it can be! 

Key Dates in May

5/12 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
5/15-5/19 Mental Health Awareness Week
5/19 Variety Show, MIT Auditorium 6pm
5/24 Open House/Art Show 5pm
5/29 Memorial Day – no school
5/30 – Last PTA Meeting of the school year (voting for new positions)
6/8 – 5th (3pm) & 8th (5:30pm) Grade Promotions – Lower blacktop
6/9 – Last day of school