
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the first Thursday Minimum Day Schedule of the school year for grades 1 – 8. (The Kindergarten classes and the TK class do not observe Thursday Minimum Day.)

Grades 1 – 3 are dismissed at 1:00pm

Grades 4 – 8 are dismissed at 1:20pm.

For families new to the district, this is the Thursday dismissal schedule each week. Typically, the school’s blue folder is sent home on Thursday. Please make sure to look through any papers in the blue folder for important school information.


Parents are invited to come and meet with Principal Girardi over a cup of coffee and breakfast snacks at 8:00am in Room 1 (the room across the hall from the school office). cups_of_coffeeHear first hand about district and school news, talk about any issues or concerns you may have or just come for the coffee. This is also a great opportunity to meet other Roosevelt parents! This is a very casual meeting so if you can only drop in for a few minutes, you’re still welcome to attend. Spanish translation is available for those that need it. If you have a younger child, you are welcome to bring him/her. Tell a friend!


Note: Yahoo groups experienced technical difficulties on Sunday, so some people may have received the weekly email more than once. Hopefully, those issues have been solved. In the future, if you don’t receive the email by Sunday evening, check the parent blog. The weekly email is always posted at the same time that the Yahoo group email goes out.