reminderJust a couple of things that you need to know:

NOT a Free Dress Friday…
Since tomorrow, April 12, is not the first Friday of the month, there is no free dress tomorrow.

5th Grade Parents…
Registration forms for Outdoor Education are due tomorrow, April 12! The PTA is still collecting the requested parent contribution of $160. You can bring your money to the office and you can pay by cash, check or credit card.

Autism Awareness…
April is Autism Awareness Month at Roosevelt! Take a look around campus at all of the wonderful Autism Awareness posters made by all of the students at Roosevelt. Please help support Roosevelt students with Autism by donating $1.00 or more to help purchase supplies, iPad apps, equipment, etc. Students that donate $1.00 or more will receive a Free Dress Pass for April 18th.

Gardening Volunteers…
Are there any green thumbs out there? Or do you just like to pull weeds? One of our parents, Megan Goulden, would love some help with the planting areas around our campus. Most of these projects can be worked on by the whole family, or groups of friends and most of the projects won’t take very long. You can work in the gardens on any day or time that works with your schedule. Even an hour on the weekend would be a big help! We want to make sure that the landscaping that was put in for Beautification Weekend stays healthy and continues to grow. Contact Megan at or contact the school office.
