Roosevelt Parents

School and PTA Resources for all Roosevelt Parents

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5/7 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

The new playground is here!

The buzz at Roosevelt this week was the opening of the new upper campus playground! It’s thanks to your donations to the PTA and last year’s Jog-a-thon success that the PTA built the upper campus playground. Our kids love the merry-go-round, the monkey bars, and everything else included in the new play structure. Thank you to all the PTA board members, workers and volunteers who helped make this happen for our kids! 

Jog-a-thon wrap-up

Jog-a-thon was a great day for our runners, and we raised $32,000. Congratulations to our Grand Prize winner, Anthony Escudero and Runner Up: Clementine Young! We should be proud that 138 students raised money, 102 students met the goal of $80 and 7 classes made their goal. Thank you to our generous sponsors for covering our costs and to all the volunteers who make Jog-a-thon our best community event. Despite these successes, we fell short on our fundraising goal this year, and are looking at ways to reduce our spending in the coming year. As the new school year comes around, we encourage all families to donate to the PTA fund so that we can continue to fund programs like art, music and more. 

Join the PTA Board 

PTA will have open Board positions in the new school year and we seek new members of our parent community to join us. Our current PTA members will all have children in the upper grades and we would like a few parents from the lower grades (K, 1 or 2) to help round out our Board. Open positions include President, Secretary, VP of Events and more. If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, contact PTA President, Allison Fujimoto at

Help with the Pond

Our students LOVE the school pond and Ms. Paulette is having trouble maintaining it on her own. She needs help skimming the pond, feeding the fish, checking the filters and pulling some weeds from time to time. We need volunteer help! If you are interested please reach out to Paulette at 

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to share gratitude for our teachers and Principal.

PTA Meeting in May
The last PTA Meeting of the year Tuesday 5/30. We will be wrapping up the school year and voting for new PTA positions. Please join us to help make next year be the best it can be! 

Key Dates in May

5/12 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
5/15-5/19 Mental Health Awareness Week
5/19 Variety Show, MIT Auditorium 6pm
5/24 Open House/Art Show 5pm
5/29 Memorial Day – no school
5/30 – Last PTA Meeting of the school year (voting for new positions)
6/8 – 5th (3pm) & 8th (5:30pm) Grade Promotions – Lower blacktop
6/9 – Last day of school

4/2 Roosevelt PTA newsletter – Jog-a-thon wrap up, new playground, and more

There’s still time to fundraise for Jog-a-thon!

Jog-a-thon needs your help! The Jog-a-thon was a huge (albeit muddy) success, but we still need your help reaching our goal! We’ve extended our fundraising deadline to April 21, so there’s still plenty of time to get your donations in. 

The Jog-a-thon is the main fundraiser for the Roosevelt PTA and pays for programs like art ($19,000 per year), music ($15,000 per year), and garden ($25,000 per year). Unfortunately, we have only raised about half the money we need to fund these next year. We desperately want to continue to offer this vital enrichment for our students, but if we do not raise the money, we will be forced to cut one or more of these programs.

The good news is, you can still help us! We have until April 21 to raise $30,000 more dollars and save enrichment programs for next year. Every dollar counts, and it is NOT too late! To set up your page go to to register and make a donation. Donations of cash or checks can be brought to the office.

We have amazing raffle prizes to reward the children for their hard work, so please encourage them to do their best to help raise the funding needed to keep our kids singing, drawing and digging!

Last but not least thank you to our Sponsors! LEARN MORE:

New playground coming soon

It is thanks to your donations to the PTA and last year’s Jog-a-thon success that the PTA is building the upper campus playground for installation during Spring break! We need volunteer help in prepping for install. We have Monday, April 3 through Friday, April 7 from 2:30pm until sundown to complete the work. Here is what is needed:

  • Individual(s) with construction experience to fill in approx 12 hollow steel posts with quick concrete.
  • A team of people to move the tanbark to one pile on the side of the playground.  *If someone has access to a bobcat that would be ideal for this with a smaller team of people, otherwise we need a large team using shovels.

Please share this volunteer request with your friends and families. Upper campus kids, who’ve been waiting all year for their new playground, will greatly appreciate it! To volunteer contact 

Open Board Positions

The Roosevelt PTA is seeking new Board members for the 2023-2024 school year. Our intrepid leader, Allison Fujimoto is stepping down as President after three years. Thank you Allison, for your service and love for our students! Other board members have kids aging out of Roosevelt. The Roosevelt PTA mandate is simple: we strive to build a community between our parents, teachers, administration and of course our students. Being on the PTA Board is a great way to give back and build community. Next year’s open Board positions are: 

  1. President
  2. Secretary
  3. Assistant Treasurer
  4. VP of Events
  5. VP of Spiritwear 
  6. VP of Fundraising

If you would like to join our team, email Allison at To learn more about all we do for Roosevelt School, go here. 

Quakes fundraiser

Calling all soccer fans! The San Jose Quakes are hosting Roosevelt School at their May 6th game against LAFC. This match is at Levi’s Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers. Kick-off is 4:30 pm. Use this link and half the ticket proceeds will go back to Roosevelt! 

Key Dates in April

7 Super minimum day
10-14 Spring break
17 SBAC (state testing) window for 3rd-8th grades opens
19 Roosevelt presents at Board of Trustees meeting 7pm
25 PTA meeting, 6pm


3/5 Roosevelt PTA newsletter – Are you ready for the Jog-a-thon?

Are you ready for the Jog-a-thon?

Roosevelt School’s biggest fundraiser of the year is our annual Jog-a-thon (JAT), and it is coming up this month! This newsletter is all-things-Jog-a-thon to get you and your Roosevelt Raccoons ready for the big day. 

WHEN?   Thursday, March 30, 2023 during the school day

WHY?       The Jog-a-thon raises much-needed money for the many programs and school upgrades funded by the Roosevelt PTA and is also an opportunity to raise awareness about healthy habits. 

WHAT’S THE GOAL? Our goal is to raise $50,000 

HOW?       Students will collect donations from their friends and family during the month of March. On JAT day, they will run (a few classrooms at a time) for 15 minutes around the lower campus field to some rockin’ music, with their friends by their side, and their family and staff cheering them on. 


JAT winnerAnnouncing the T-Shirt design contest winner!

We are thrilled to announce the winner of this year’s t-shirt design contest winners. The winning design will be printed on over 700 t-shirts that will be worn by runners at this year’s Jog-a-thon. Even better, JAT t-shirts are school approved uniform shirts! Congratulations to all of the students who participated!

First Place: Kyle Estrada and Max Navarette (8th Grade)
Second Place: Mariona Perez (3rd Grade)
Third Place: Hazel Diaz (5th Grade)

Ways to get involved in Jog-a-thon


Please help your child raise a target total of $80 in donations so that we can make our $50,000 school-wide goal. Check your child’s blue folder for complete instructions on fundraising.

Option 1, online: Register your child at 

Once your site is set up, you can share in different ways:

    • Email family and friends (follow steps on Pledgestar website)
    • Post link on social media (follow steps on Pledgestar website)

Option 2, download app for Android or iPhone:

    1. Go to your device’s App Store and search for “Pledgestar” to download the Family App, or go to

Options 3, use the Pledgesheet and collect cash or check donations 


Jog-a-thon volunteers are still needed between the hours of 7am and 1:30pm on the day of the event.  If you are interested in helping sign up here

Thank you to our Sponsors!

We’d like to thank this year’s generous sponsors – they help pay for this event so that all the funds raised by our students benefit Roosevelt School.  Please show your support by visiting their businesses and tell them THANK YOU!

2023 Jog-a-thon Sponsors:

Dehoff’s Key Market, Primary Sponsor
Milagros Latin Kitchen, Primary Sponsor

Secondary Sponsors:

Allison Fujimoto/Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty
Andrews Orthodontics
CSI Electrical Contractors
Donut King
Hassett Ace Hardware
The McLellan Company
Mountain Mikes
Triple Seven Handyman
W.L. Butler

Eat out for the PTA

Mountain Mikes (3121 Jefferson Ave) is hosting Roosevelt Raccoons on Wednesday, March 22. Mention the Roosevelt school fundraiser when you order and 20% will be donated back to Roosevelt School PTA!

Upper Playground News

The day is nearing for the upper playground installation! Please save the dates as we need volunteers for preparation in the following areas:

1)  Push back existing wood fiber (ie. tan bark) into piles to the side of the existing playground.  

Timeframe: last week of March or first week of April (TBD by RCSD Facilities dept.)
Time commitment:  one visit, afternoon/evening 

2)  Load the demolished playground equipment into a debris bin at the playground site. 

Timeframe: last week of March or first week of April (TBD by RCSD Facilities dept.)
Time commitment:  one visit, afternoon/evening

3)  Spread stockpiled wood fiber (ie. tan bark) over the new playground site after new equipment is installed.

Timeframe: most likely between Fri 4/14 – Sun 4/16 (last 3 days of Spring Break)
Time commitment:  one visit

Please reach out to a PTA member if you’re available to help!

Key Dates in March

6-10 Friendship Week
6 Reading Fair boards due
7 Reading Fair reception 5:30pm
13-17 5th grade at Outdoor Ed
20-24 Parent Teacher Conference Week–minimum days all week
22 Mountain Mikes fundraiser
27 School Site Council meeting 4pm
28 PTA meeting 6pm
30 Jog-a-thon

1/29 Roosevelt PTA newsletter – All things Jog-a-thon

Roosevelt School’s biggest fundraiser of the year is our annual Jog-a-thon, and it is coming up on Thursday, March 30, 2023! The Jog-a-thon raises much-needed money for the many programs and school upgrades funded by the Roosevelt PTA and is also an opportunity to raise awareness about healthy habits. Our goal is to raise $50,000 for school upgrades (like the upper-campus playground!), art classes, music classes and more. Students will run (a few classrooms at a time) for 15 minutes around the lower campus field to some rockin’ music, with their friends by their side, and their family and staff cheering them on. Read on for ways you can get involved!

Be the t-shirt art contest winner!

It’s time to put your artistic talents to use for the Jog-a-thon t-shirt design contest! Our theme this year is “Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It”. The winning design will be printed on over 700 t-shirts. All submissions are due Tuesday, February 14th. Any questions contact Kristina Perino

Jog-a-thon Sponsors Wanted 

Are you a small business owner, or do you know someone who is a small business owner looking to promote their business to our community? As a sponsor, the Jog-a-thon t-shirts will have the company logo on the back and will be not just worn for the event, but the shirts become school-approved dress code shirts for the future. If you are interested in sponsoring the Jog-a-thon contact Jenny Barnes at The deadline for sponsors is 2/28. We’d like to thank this year’s generous sponsors; join them and help us reach our $8,000 goal. Please show your support by visiting their businesses and tell them THANK YOU!

2023 Jog-a-thon Sponsors:
Dehoff’s Key Market, Primary Sponsor

Secondary Sponsors:
Allison Fujimoto/Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty
Andrews Orthodontics
CSI Electrical Contractors
Donut King
Hassett Ace Hardware
Sheila Kodani, DDS
W.L. Butler

Join in the fun and volunteer

Jog-a-thon volunteers are needed between the hours of 7am and 1:30pm on the day of the event.  If you are interested in helping (even just part of the time!) please sign up for a shift (or 2!). You can escort your child’s class down to the field, take photos, help set-up or break down and more! Sign up here

Restaurant fundraisers

Eat out for the PTA with two family favorites this month! 

  1. Canyon Inn is hosting Roosevelt families Wednesday, February 8. Mention the Roosevelt school fundraiser when you order and 20% will be donated back to Roosevelt School PTA!
  2. Turn fun into funds for the PTA at Chuck e. Cheese on Thursday, February 16 from 3-9pm. SEE THIS FLYER for 10 free play points and more details, and be sure to mention Roosevelt School to have 20% of your purchases donated to the PTA. 

Key Dates in February

2/8 Canyon Inn Fundraiser
2/13 Lincoln’s Birthday NO SCHOOL
2/16 Chuck e. Cheese fundraiser
2/20-2/24 February Break NO SCHOOL

12/4 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – The season of giving

It’s that time of the year – the best time to give! The Roosevelt School PTA wishes you and yours a very happy holiday season. We’d like to remind you of a few giving opportunities that will support the work of your PTA. 

Spirit Wear

Nothing makes a better gift than Raccoons swag! As the temperatures continue to drop now is the time to purchase long sleeve shirts, sweatpants and hoodies. Get your Roosevelt spirit wear here or in the school office.

PTA Enrichment Fund 

Our Roosevelt PTA Enrichment Fund strives to improve the education of every child at Roosevelt and supports this long list of programs – and so much more! Please consider giving a tax deductible donation to the PTA here. Did you know that there are many companies that match parent’s contributions to the Roosevelt PTA? Some will match dollar-per-dollar, and others will match a portion of the contribution, up to a pre-determined maximum amount. To learn more about corporate donation matching, click on this link here.

8th Grade Yosemite Trip Fundraisers

Parent’s Night Out 

On Friday, December 9, 8th graders will organize games, movies, and activities for kindergarten-5th grade Roosevelt students in the cafeteria from 6-8pm. Dinner and snacks are included for $20 for each student. Pay at the gate.

Cocoa Bombs 

Cocoa bombs, small chocolate balls filled with cocoa and marshmallows/other treats, will be for sale after school the week of December 12-16 from 2:35pm-3pm. Sales will take place outside the gate on Euclid Ave. We need parent volunteers! If you are able to help, contact Montana Miller via email.

Key Dates in December 

12/9 Parents’ Night Out

12/16 Super minimum day

12/19 Winter break begins

10/30 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – November happenings

A Spooktacular Smash!

Thank you to our Raccoon families who came to Spooktacular Bingo. Over 200 people attended and all proceeds benefit the PTA! David S. Pumpkins led us in a spooky and prize-filled bingo spectacular and fun was had by all! 

Fall Book Fair

Book fair is back! Book fair starts on Saturday, November 5 and will take place outside the Library from 9am to 1pm. Our Librarian, Paulette, needs volunteer help as follows, sign up here

  • November 3: Set up 10am-2pm
  • November 4: Help with teacher wish lists
  • November 5: Run the Saturday event or bake treats
  • November 7-9 : Various help needed for book fair during lunches, recess and after school

8th Grade Fundraisers

Roosevelt 8th Graders are hard at work planning fundraising for their Spring 2023 annual Yosemite field trip. All funds raised go towards paying for the bus to Yosemite which costs $4,500. Please consider supporting our students with one or ALL of the following fundraising opportunities:

  • Parent’s Night Out: On Friday, November 4 and Friday, December 8, from 6-8pm in the cafeteria, 8th graders will organize games, movies, and activities for K-5 Roosevelt students. Light snacks and pizza will be available for purchase. Sign up here and get your restaurant reservations now! 
  • Red Morton Snack Shack: On Saturday, November 5 from 8am-8pm and Saturday, November 12 from 2-8pm, 8th graders will be working the snack shack at Red Morton Park. 
  • Cocoabomb Sales: 8th graders will be selling cocoabombs after school December 5-16. They make great holiday gifts!

We need parental support/volunteers for all of these fundraisers,  especially the making of cocoabombs. Contact for more information.

Gun Store Permit Update

Redwood City City Council passed the urgency ordinance to temporarily prohibit the approval of licenses for firearms retailers until further studied.  What is at question: whether or not a gun shop permit should be approved in Roosevelt Plaza and whether or not gun stores should be subjected to special regulations. 

Thank you to Principal Mercer for speaking on the school’s behalf and to our parent volunteers for getting the letter writing campaign underway.  Thank you to all who expressed support; we collected over 1,500 signatures. You can read more about the urgency ordinance in this article. What happens next? Council will publish a process and schedule for further public comment. We will track the issue and keep families informed. 

Eat Out for the PTA

Eat at Kasa Indian Eatery on Friday, November 18 from 12pm-10pm, Mention the fundraiser when you order or use code “groupraise” for online orders. 30% will be donated back to Roosevelt School PTA. 

Join and volunteer 

The PTA sponsors community events such as Halloween Spooktacular and funds programs such as Garden, Art for All, Music and after-school enrichment. For just $5 a year, you can have a vote! Go here to join the PTA.

One of the best ways you can get involved with the Roosevelt community is to volunteer. We are still looking for an Executive Vice President and Jog-a-thon Co-chair and more. Go here to sign up and for volunteer clearance, visit this RSCD page

Key Dates in November

11/4 Parents’ Night Out
11/5 Book Fair Opening 9am-1pm
11/7-11/9 Book Fair for students
11/10 Family Math Festival 6-8pm
11/18 Restaurant Fundraiser: Kasa Indian Eatery
11/29 PTA meeting

A matter of community interest from the PTA

Roosevelt PTA is putting the word out on something quickly to respond to a developing matter before the Redwood City City Council. Please help spread the word.

If you haven’t heard, there is a retailer trying to open a gun store in Roosevelt Plaza. A group of concerned parents at Roosevelt Elementary School have been in touch with Mayor Giselle Hale who said the City is considering an emergency ordinance on the topic at their meeting next Monday 10/24 at 6:00pm (agenda to be released Thursday 10/20).

Roosevelt parents have developed a letter to the council with their concerns regarding a firearm store opening in close proximity to an elementary school and in a plaza that so many children and families frequent. Here is a Google form where you can sign on to a letter supporting the urgency ordinance. The council needs to pass this by 6 of 7 votes for it to take effect. This will provide the needed time to make a decision that reflects the values of our community.

Comments can be submitted by emailing up until the meeting start time on Monday 10/24, and/or can be voiced at the meeting itself in person or via Zoom.

The City Council will publish its agenda for the Oct 24 meeting on Thursday Oct 20.

Here is a statement from Mayor Hale and the City Manager

“I wanted to confirm that the City has received a business license application for a firearm retailer seeking to locate at Roosevelt Plaza in Redwood City. Currently, Redwood City does not have regulations specific to firearm retailers, and so a firearm retailer is treated like any other commercial retail business. Retail uses are permitted by right at Roosevelt Plaza, meaning no City Council review is required.

On October 24, the City Council will consider an urgency ordinance that would temporarily prohibit any firearm retailers in Redwood City while the City studies potential regulations for firearm retailers, including where such uses may be permitted. If the ordinance is approved, the City would conduct research and community engagement to propose regulations for future City Council consideration.

The agenda packet for the October 24 City Council meeting will be published Thursday evening and available here.”

Thank you for reading, and if you are interested in signing the letter with us in support of the urgency ordinance to temporarily halt approval of new firearms retail applications until further review is conducted, you can do so here.

10/2 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – A new playground and more!

 new playground is coming!

It is thanks to your donations to the PTA and last year’s Jog-a-thon success that the PTA is moving forward with building a new upper campus playground! The current equipment is dated and lacks features that encourage play for all abilities, and so it is time for an upgrade. This week at the PTA Membership meeting, we voted on a beautiful new upper campus playground for our youngest Raccoons. The new playground will feature a play structure with: 4 slides (a twirly, a long bumpy and a straight set of double), several climbing features, under-bridge monkey bars and the classic favorite sliding pole. In addition to the main play structure there will be a set of 4 swings and a curva spinner that can be used by several children together. Stay tuned for more information on the final design and installation timeline.

We still need your help

It is thanks to the PTA Enrichment Fund and all the fundraising we do throughout the year that we are able to replace the old equipment. We are less than 50% of where we were last year and we need your help!  If you weren’t able to make your donation at Maze Days, now is the time! To make your contribution to the Roosevelt PTA Enrichment Fund as a once-annual donation, click here. Did you know that there are many companies that match parent’s contributions to the Roosevelt PTA!? Be sure to inquire with your company and learn more about corporate matching here.

Join and volunteer 

The PTA sponsors community events such as the upcoming Halloween Spooktacular and funds programs such as Garden, Art for All, Music and after-school enrichment. For just $5 a year, you can have a vote! Go here to join the PTA.

One of the best ways you can get involved with the Roosevelt community is to volunteer. Volunteers are the reason we are able to hold many events and fundraisers throughout the school year. Here are currently open volunteer opportunities: Executive Vice President, VP of Events, Halloween Spooktacular event helpers, Jog-a-thon Co-chair
November Book Fair helpers, Room Parents…and more. Go here to sign up and for volunteer clearance, visit this RSCD page

Upcoming Events

Eat Out for the PTA

Local favorite, Redwood City Barbeque is raising funds for Roosevelt! On Wednesday, October 19, from 7:00am to 9:00pm bring in this flyer or use the code Raccoon online. Click for the English and Spanish flyers 

Spooktacular Bingo

It’s spooky season! On October 28 from 6:00-8:00pm, the school evet of the year is back: Spooktacular Bingo! Come in costume and there’ll be bingo, big prizes, and a little bit of “boo”! We’re back in the cafeteria this year, safe from the weather, with spooky lighting and all that jazz. We need volunteers to set up before, help during and clean up after the event, so please sign up here. For more details visit

Key Dates in October/November

10/19 – Restaurant Fundraiser with Redwood City BBQ, 7:00am-9:00pm

10/25 –  PTA Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm

10/28 – Spooktacular Bingo, 6:00-8:30pm

11/5 – 11/9 – Book Fair

9/4 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – Happy Back to School!

Happy new school year Roosevelt Raccoons! This is our first PTA newsletter of the year, which will be sent once a month after our PTA meetings. The newsletter is a great way to stay connected to your school community and learn about PTA events and activities. We’ve got a great year planned – starting now!

What is the PTA?

The PTA strives to build a community between parents, teachers, students and the  school administration. We sponsor community events such as family fun nights and fund programs such as Garden, Art for All, Music and after-school enrichment. We are hard at work on the soon-to-be new upper campus playground. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month during the school year and all parents are welcome! Meetings are held on campus in the cafeteria.

Join the PTA

For just $5 a year, you too can have a vote! Go here to join the PTA.

Volunteer with us

We need your HELP! Please consider signing up for one of our volunteer and open PTA board positions. Volunteers are the reason we are able to hold many events and fundraisers throughout the school year. We are looking for Executive Vice President, VP of Events, event helpers, Jog-a-thon Co-chairs, and more. Go here to sign up and for volunteer clearance, visit this RSCD page

Room Parents

Looking for a way to support your teacher this year? Please consider becoming a Room Parent for your child’s class to foster communication with our teachers and families. As a room parent, here are a few tasks that we help to coordinate: 

  • emailing communications for upcoming class events as requested by the teachers / PTA (sending surveys on behalf of the teacher, promoting our Jog-a-thon fundraiser)
  • for the younger grades, coordinating across same grade room parents to support and provide supplies for seasonal class parties
  • promoting Teacher Appreciation Week activities
  • coordinating end of year presents for teachers

If interested, please reach out to Alina Villanueva Room Parent Coordinator. We are looking for volunteers for the following classes:

  • 3rd: Heon
  • 4th: Wolter
  • 5th: Acevedo
  • 7th: Regosin-Caffery, Holm
  • 8th: Reta, Stickel
  • K2SDC: Sudol
  • 6-8SDC: Tran

After-school Enrichment

The PTA funds After-school Enrichment programs. Our fall programs are starting soon and include ballet, Zumba and Lego engineering. Go here to learn more and sign up.

Stay connected with us

There are a few ways to stay connected with the PTA and your Roosevelt community. Our monthly newsletters go out on the Sunday following our PTA meeting. We also forward links to our newsletters through the Remind app. Sign up for the PTA channel (@ptachan) on Remind to get them! To learn more about staying connected, visit this page. Don’t forget to read the latest Roosevelt School bi-weekly newsletter here.

Upcoming Events

Picture Day 

Picture Day is this Friday, September 9th. The office is looking for a parent volunteer to assist  between the hours of 12:00pm – 3:00pm. In return, they will receive a coupon toward the purchase of their child’s portrait package. Because this event occurs during school hours this volunteer will need to be cleared by the District Office. If you’re able to help sign up here

A Night at the Ball Park

Join your Roosevelt friends for a fun night at the San Jose Giants game!  We have reserved a block of tickets for the game on  Sunday, September  11th @ 5:00 pm (main gates open at 4:00 pm) Use this link to order your tickets. Make sure you use the code “Roosevelt” when ordering. 

Family Dinner Dance

Our annual Family Dinner Dance is back on Friday, September 16th, from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Roosevelt students, family and staff will enjoy a taco bar dinner, a photo corner and DJ dancing.  This is a great way to welcome everyone back for another great year. Tickets are only $5 a person or $20 for a family! Please RSVP and pay in advance via our @Roosevelt-PTA Venmo, so that we have a head count, but we will also sell tickets at the door. We also need your help! Sign up here to set-up, serve food, or clean up – anything you can do, ew appreciate.

Key Dates in September 

9/7 – Back to School Night, 5:30-7:45pm
9/9 – Picture Day (Free Dress)
9/11 – San Jose Giants Game, 5:00 pm
9/16 – Family Dinner Dance,  5:30-8:00 pm
9/27 – PTA meeting, 6:00-7:00 pm
9/28 – Chipotle Fundraiser, 5:00-9:00 pm

Maze Days is Tomorrow / Maze Days es mañana

We are excited to kick off the year soon!  Tomorrow and Thurrsday are Maze Days where you can get your class assignments, spirit wear, and sign up to help the PTA!

Names A-L – Wednesday 8/10 – 3-6pm

Names M-Z – Thursday  8/11 – 3-6pm

@ Lower Campus

Want to shorten the lines? We still need volunteers. Please consider signing up. We have added some one-hour slots for those who can make it. Come for as long as you can.  No experience required, just come to the PTA table or sign up here

/ – / – / – / – /

Estamos emocionados de comenzar el año pronto. ¡Mañana y el jueves son Días de Laberinto donde puede obtener sus tareas de clase, ropa de espíritu e inscribirse para ayudar a la PTA!

Nombres A-L – Miércoles 8/10 – 3-6pm

Nombres M-Z – Jueves 8/11 – 3-6pm

en  el campus inferior

¿Quieres acortar las líneas? Todavía necesitamos voluntarios. Por favor considere registrarse. Hemos agregado algunos espacios de una hora para aquellos que puedan asistir. Ven todo el tiempo que puedas. No se requiere experiencia, solo venga a la mesa de la PTA o regístrese aquí.


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