Roosevelt Parents

School and PTA Resources for all Roosevelt Parents

All About Jog-a-thon

Get Ready for the Jog-a-thon on May 8!

Save the Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025 during school

Where: On the lower campus field

Our Goal: This year our goal is $30,000! ($100 per student but any amount raised helps!)

What is Jog-a-thon?

In the days leading up to May 8, students will be raising funds ($100 per student) by reaching out to their friends and family. On Jog-a-thon day, students will run for 15 minutes around the lower campus field, accompanied by energetic music and surrounded by classmates. Family members and staff will be there to cheer them on! It’s a fun, high-energy event that promotes both fitness and school spirit.

Why do we have Jog-a-thon?

Jog-a-thon is our primary annual fundraiser, raising funds for programs sponsored by the Roosevelt PTA. These funds help support vital school improvements, such as the new play structure on the upper campus (2023) and the upcoming Reading Garden (2025). PTA also funds enriching and community-building programs like field trips and family-fun events. Meeting our fundraising goal ensures that the PTA can continue to provide the programs that enhance our students’ education—programs that aren’t covered by school funding.

How can you help? 

We’re looking for parent representatives from each grade level to join our Jog-a-thon planning committee. Currently, we need volunteers from Kindergarten, 1st grade and 3rd grade. If you’re interested in helping us organize this exciting event, please reach out to Allison Fujimoto Your support makes a big impact!

If you have a local business that would like to be a sponsor, we can’t pull this event off without our sponsors! Contact Gabrielle

Learn more:

¡Prepárate para el Jog-a-thon el 8 de mayo!

Reserva la fecha: jueves 8 de mayo de 2025 en horario escolar

Lugar: en el campo del campus inferior

Objetivo: ¡este año nuestro objetivo es de $30,000! ($100 por estudiante, ¡pero cualquier cantidad recaudada ayuda!)

¿Qué es la Jog-a-thon?

En los días previos al 8 de mayo, los estudiantes recaudarán fondos ($100 por estudiante) comunicándose con sus amigos y familiares. El día de la Jog-a-thon, los estudiantes correrán durante 15 minutos alrededor del campo del campus inferior, acompañados de música enérgica y rodeados de compañeros de clase. ¡Los familiares y el personal estarán allí para animarlos! Es un evento divertido y lleno de energía que promueve tanto la actividad física como el espíritu escolar.

¿Por qué organizamos la Jog-a-thon?

Jog-a-thon es nuestro principal evento anual de recaudación de fondos, que recauda fondos para programas patrocinados por la PTA de Roosevelt. Estos fondos ayudan a respaldar mejoras escolares vitales, como la nueva estructura de juegos en el campus superior (2023) y el próximo jardín de lectura (2025). La PTA también financia programas enriquecedores y de desarrollo comunitario, como excursiones y eventos divertidos para la familia. Alcanzar nuestra meta de recaudación de fondos garantiza que la PTA pueda seguir brindando los programas que mejoran la educación de nuestros estudiantes, como la clase de jardineería, programas que no están cubiertos por la financiación escolar.

¿Cómo puedes ayudar?

Estamos buscando representantes de madres y padres de cada nivel de grado para que se unan a nuestro comité de planificación de Jog-a-thon. Actualmente, necesitamos voluntarios de Kindergarten, primer grado y tercer grado. Si estás interesado en ayudarnos a organizar este emocionante evento, comunícate con Allison Fujimoto ¡Tu apoyo tiene un gran impacto!

Si tiene una empresa local a la que le gustaría ser patrocinadora, ¡no podemos realizar este evento sin nuestros patrocinadores! Contacto Gabrielle

Más información: 

Mid-winter PTA updates, 2/23

Welcome back from mid-winter break! There’s lots going on for Roosevelt families this week. We look forward to seeing you at one or all of these community events.

PTA Meeting

All are welcome at the PTA Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 6-7pm, held in the School Library and virtually here. Parents of K-2 students are encouraged to join to learn about open PTA Board positions.

Corner Table Fundraiser

Eat out at Corner Table on Thursday, February 27  between 9am-8pm. A portion of all sales will be donated to the PTA.  See the flyer for more details: Corner Table.

Family Lego Night

On Friday, February 28 from 6-8pm, Roosevelt PTA is excited to host Family Lego Night! This is a free event for the entire family. Come and build! We will not be serving dinner so please eat before you arrive. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door for $1 each (cash only) for the chance to win Lego sets.

2/2 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

As we head into the last four months of the school year, we look forward to some of the best months of the year! 

February 8 Garden Day

This Saturday, February 8 from 9am-12pm, join us in the Roosevelt Garden for a community gardening day! Each Green Corner, the leaders of our garden education program, have already made amazing improvements to the school’s garden. Come help make the garden even better this weekend side-by-side with friends. 

Mid-year fundraising update

To keep the school community informed, we’re introducing a high-level financial summary at each PTA meeting. Currently, we have $221,000 in cash with $5,000 in liabilities. Our fundraising goal for this school year is $78,000, and we’ve already reached 71% of our target, thanks to your generous donations and corporate matches, restaurant fundraisers, spiritwear sales, See’s Candy sales and family events.

This year, funds have gone toward pond renovations, the garden program, field trips and community events, ensuring a great experience for our students. Thank you for your continued support—we’ll share more updates at the next PTA meeting on February 25 at 6pm in the Library and online!

Reading Garden 

At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, the PTA voted to use funds to create a Reading Garden. We plan to improve the area outside the library and pond with creative seating, shade and landscaping to create a calming outdoor space for students to read and enjoy the fish pond. While the timeline for the Reading Garden is uncertain, our parent lead, Jerome Burgos, is helping us come up with ideas for a beautiful area in an underutilized part of campus. In the meantime, the PTA voted to create an enclosure for the pond to protect the wildlife and the recent renovations that the PTA funded. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months! 

PTA is powered by parents!

Join our PTA Board! As we look ahead to the new school year, we have exciting opportunities for parent community members to become involved. While our current PTA members’ children are transitioning to upper grades and out of Roosevelt, we’re eager to welcome parents from lower grades (K, 1, or 2) to bring fresh perspectives to our team. If you’re passionate about making a difference in our school community, we encourage you to reach out to for more information. 

Save the Dates

Eat out at Corner Table – February 27

What better way to give back to the school than to eat out with friends and family? Our next restaurant fundraiser is at Corner Table on Thursday, February 27. A portion of your purchase will benefit Roosevelt. Mark your calendar!

Variety Show – April 25

Save the Date April 25th for the Variety Show. Individuals and groups of students can develop acts of three minutes or less. Auditions will take place in the next few months and all acts that are ready to perform in time for the show will be included. It’s fun!

Jog-a-thon – May 8

Jog-a-thon, the annual school-wide fundraiser, is set for Thursday, May 8, 2025 during the school day. Look for an “all-about Jog-a-thon” school email in the coming weeks for all the details about how to fund-raise, volunteer and more. 

Key dates in February 

2/8 Garden Day

2/13 Super minimum day, 12pm dismissal

2/13 Coffee with the Principal, 8:30am

2/14-2/23 Mid-winter break

2/25 PTA meeting 6pm, in the library or online 

2/27 Corner Table restaurant fundraiser

11/23 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

The Roosevelt Parent Teacher Association wishes our community a very happy holiday season. We are so grateful to share our children’s education with such a wonderful community of parents,  students and educators. Read on for updates on PTA initiatives, ways to give to the PTA during the giving season and dates to look forward to.

Pond Improvements

Have you seen the new koi pond? Last year, we learned that our beloved pond was in need of extensive repairs. Thanks to your support of the PTA we were able to renovate and improve the pond habitat for our fish and turtles. The fish now swim in a deeper pond which will be cooler in the summer. We have new filtration to keep the water clean, and a waterfall!

Where do we go from here? We are hard at work on improving the courtyard near the library and the pond into a reading garden for all our students. Stay tuned in the New Year for updates on this exciting new project. If you would like to get involved, please reach out to

See’s Candy Fundraiser

Look out for the See’s Candy Holiday Fundraiser flyer and place your order by December 4! You can also order your goodies online at this link. Online orders will be shipped directly to you and can be placed any time. To place orders via the paper form, return your orders to your teacher or the office by December 4 so that we can process and deliver candy before the holiday break. All sales support the initiatives of the PTA.

Giving Tuesday

In the spirit of the season, many of us donate to our favorite causes in December as a tax write-off on Giving Tuesday (December 3). If you are looking to give to a cause that matters, how about donating to the Roosevelt Parent Teacher Association to improve your child’s educational experience? It’s also a great time to find out if your company offers corporate matching of your donation. Some will match dollar-per-dollar, and others will match a portion of the contribution, up to a pre-determined maximum amount. To learn more about corporate donation matching, go here. Our volunteer run Parent Teacher Association thanks you for your support and wishes you a very happy holiday season. DONATE HERE

Save the Dates!

Variety Show – April 25

Save the Date April 25th for the Variety Show. Think you can dance? Love to sing? Tell a good joke? Master of illusion? Whatever your talent, you are welcome to try out for the school Variety Show in 2025. Individuals and groups of students can develop acts of three minutes or less. Auditions will take place next year and all acts that are ready to perform in time for the show will be included. It’s fun!

 Jog-a-thon – May 8

The annual school-wide Jog-a-thon is set for Thursday, May 8, 2025 during the school day. Jog-a-thon is our primary annual fundraiser. These funds help support vital school improvements, community events, field trips, and more. In the days leading up to May 8, students will be raising funds by reaching out to their friends and family. On Jog-a-thon day, students will run for 15 minutes around the lower campus field. It’s a wonderful day, and we encourage parents to get involved! We are seeking TK, Kinder and 1st grade parents to join the planning committee.  If you’re interested, please reach out to Allison Fujimoto

10/27 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

A huge thank you to everyone who joined in on the fun-tastic Spooktacular Bingo on Friday night! The costumes, the laughter, the prizes—it was a “boo-tiful” evening to remember! A special shoutout to our spirited MC, Isela, for stepping in and keeping the thrills alive while our legendary Mr. David S. Pumpkins made a spooky guest appearance. 👻 Until next year, keep those costumes and bingo skills sharp! 🎃👻

Roosevelt School will have a Halloween parade on Thursday, October 31 at 8:35am that winds its way around the lower campus blacktop and field along the sidewalk. Parents will be allowed on the lower blacktop but will not be allowed further onto campus. While it is free dress, students should consider bringing a change of clothes. Read more in Friday’s principal newsletter

Eat out for the PTA

On Wednesday November 20, enjoy some delicious food and raise money for the Roosevelt PTA by eating at Redwood City Barbeque, 640 Woodside Road, Redwood City. flyer/en español




Jog-a-thon planning committee kickoff coming! 

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is the Jog-a-thon and we need new volunteers to help us pull it off. Jog-a-thon will take place in May 2025, but our planning starts early. Volunteers help us get sponsors, prizes, and so much more! Our first meeting will be November 7 at 7pm. If you are interested in assisting, contact Gabi at

See’s Candy Holiday Fundraiser

In November, look for more information about our See’s Candy Holiday Fundraiser! All sales support the initiatives of the PTA, like community events, field trips, and school upgrades, like the upcoming pond retrofit and reading garden. Candy will arrive just before the winter break – just in time for holiday gift giving.

Key dates in November 

11/1 Professional development for teachers – no school

11/11 Veterans Day – no school

11/12 School Site Council meeting 4pm

11/14 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am

11/19 PTA Meeting, 6pm

11/20 Redwood City BBQ PTA fundraiser

11/25 Super minimum day 11:45am dismissal

11/26 Super minimum day 12pm dismissal

11/27-30 Thanksgiving holiday – no school

9/30 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

Welcome to our once-a-month newsletter that features a recap of the monthly PTA Meeting, upcoming events, and ways to get involved in the Roosevelt community.


Great news!! We are off to a really great start with donations this year. Thanks to your generosity, we are already over 30% of our way to our annual goal of $78,000. It’s not too late to give to the PTA! Donate to the annual Enrichment Fund here, and learn more about corporate matching here. Your company may match your contribution dollar-for-dollar!

Roosevelt Pond and Reading Garden

The PTA is undertaking much needed repairs to the pond outside the school library in order to protect our precious fish and turtles. We are seeking community members who may have expertise in either fencing or residential pond maintenance. If you know someone, please reach out to Whitney here.

Get ready for a Spooktacular time

Thank you to everyone that attended the Family Dinner Dance! It was a great way to kick off the year. Our next event is on October 25 from 6:00-8:00pm. Spooktacular Bingo is THE event of the year – come in costume and there’ll be bingo, big prizes, and a little bit of “boo”!  The event will include snacks but not dinner. Tickets are $5 a person or $20 for a family! We ask that you RSVP and pay in advance via our @RooseveltPTARaccoons Paypal, but we will also sell tickets at the door. We are looking for volunteers to help set up and run the event, please sign up here. Volunteering at PTA events requires no school district background checks. 

Eat out for the PTA

Mountain Mikes Pizza, Wednesday October 16, 3121 Jefferson Ave, Redwood City — Flyer: Mountain Mikes10.16.24 jp

Redwood City Barbeque, Wednesday November 20, 640 Woodside Road, Redwood City 

October PTA Meeting

Save the date for the October PTA Meeting on Tuesday October 22 at 6pm. Meetings are held virtually and in person. We will be seeking community input on a Reading Garden to be designed outside the Roosevelt Library, neighboring the pond. Join virtually here:

Key dates in October

10/14 Indigenous People’s Day – no school
10/15 School Site Council meeting 4pm
10/16 Mountain Mikes Pizza restaurant fundraiser
10/17 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
10/22 PTA meeting, 6pm
10/25 Spooktacular Bingo Halloween Party

8/29 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

If you missed the PTA Information Night meeting this week, not to worry, this newsletter is here to inform you of all-things-PTA! 

Who is the PTA and where do the funds go?

The PTA’s goal is to build community, raise money and enrich our student’s experience at Roosevelt.  The PTA Board is comprised of parent volunteers who love to give back to our school community. We are still seeking the following board members: Assistant Treasurer – some accounting experience preferred. Vice President – assist the president and volunteer as next president. VP of IT – help with technical issues, maintain website, update technology for PTA finance and communications. If you would like to get involved, email us here.

The bulk of the PTA’s funding comes from our Annual Enrichment Fund and the spring Jog-a-thon fundraiser. Money raised funds school improvement projects, special events, and enrichment programs like garden and field trips. Check out the graph here to see the breakdown.

How are we doing so far?

We are happy to announce that we are off to a good start this year! We’ve raised 18% of our annual goal. Thank you to everyone that has donated to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund. There’s still plenty of time to contribute a “100% Pledge” of $350 per child or $500 per family. Donate here. Your company may offer a corporate match program for charitable contributions – go to this page for more information. 

How can you get involved?

We are always seeking new parents to get involved. Parent volunteers can help as little or as much as they are able. This year, we are seeking help in the garden, with our website, and with events and fundraising. Visit our volunteer sign-up to find all the opportunities and reach out to us if you have any questions – we’d love to have you join us! Note that the PTA reimburses for fingerprinting required for classroom and field trip volunteers. You can also join the PTA  and become a voting member! The cost is $5 per member for an annual membership that needs to be renewed each school year.

Attending PTA meetings is another way to stay in touch. PTA meetings happen monthly on the last Tuesday of the month at 6pm, and occur simultaneously in person and virtually. Our inclusive community welcomes everyone and at each meeting we offer translation. We hope to see you at the September 24 meeting (virtual meeting link). 

Room Parents needed

Looking for a way to support your teacher this year? Consider becoming a Room Parent. We still need room parents in many classes. If interested, please reach out to Elizabeth Feig (, Room Parent Coordinator, to volunteer or ask questions. 

What’s coming up?

Family Dinner Dance – Friday, September 6, 6-8pm
Roosevelt students, family and staff will enjoy pasta dinner, a photo corner and DJ dancing.  This is a great way to welcome everyone back for another great year. Tickets are only $5 a person or $20 for a family! Pay in advance via @RooseveltPTARaccoons on Paypal or at the door. Sign up here to volunteer to set-up, serve food, or clean up – anything you can do, we appreciate. 

Restaurant fundraisers – A percentage of all sales goes to the Roosevelt PTA!
Corner Yogurt: Friday September 13, 1501 Woodside Rd, Redwood City
Mountain Mikes Pizza, Wednesday October 16th, 3121 Jefferson Ave, Redwood City

Key dates in September and October

9/2 Labor Day – no school
9/6 Family Dinner Dance, 6-8pm
9/13 Corner Yogurt restaurant fundraiser
9/24 PTA meeting, 6pm in person and virtual
9/30 No school
10/16 Mountain Mikes Pizza restaurant fundraiser
10/22 PTA meeting, 6pm
10/25 Spooktacular Bingo Halloween Party

8/11 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

Welcome to the beginning of the school year, Roosevelt Raccoons! This newsletter is here to ease you into the school year and provide information to help you navigate all the wonderful things our school community does throughout the year. 

What is the Roosevelt PTA?

The Roosevelt School  Parent Teacher Association (PTA) funds programs like art, music, and garden, makes investments in our campus like our new upper campus playground, and builds community through hosting school events throughout the year. All Roosevelt parents and guardians are welcome to join the PTA. Joining is a commitment-free annual membership and simply signals support and earns you voting rights at monthly meetings. Join here. Membership is not required to attend meetings or volunteer.

Maze Day follow up

It was wonderful to see so many familiar and new faces at this week’s Maze Day! If we missed you, there is still plenty of time to donate to the annual Enrichment Fund here, and learn more about corporate matching here.  By subscribing to our newsletter or Remind channel, you can also stay up-to-date on volunteer opportunities and PTA events. More on how to stay informed below. 

How do I stay informed and get involved?

Come to the first PTA Meeting of the year and get involved!

There are lots of ways to get involved and we need your help! Come to the first PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday, August 27 at 6pm in person in the Staff Room on campus or virtually on Google Meet. Meetings are held in English and Spanish and childcare is provided when available. 

Become a Room Parent

Looking for a way to support your teacher this year? Please consider becoming a Room Parent for your child’s class to foster communication with our teachers and families. As a room parent, you will help with communications about upcoming events, help plan seasonal class parties, and coordinate Teacher appreciation activities.  Please reach out to if you are interested. 

Roosevelt Raccoon Spiritwear

Start off the new school year with school uniform approved Spiritwear! Shirts, sweatshirts, pants and more are available in all sizes in our online shop.

Maze Days Volunteers Needed

Maze Days is our annual event to kick off the new school year and to introduce families to school services, the PTA and their new teachers! Maze Days are on Friday, August 9, 8:30-11am and 12-2:30pm. Parent volunteers that speak English and Spanish are needed for various roles to help out. No experience necessary!  Sign up to help

School uniform approved Spiritwear will no longer be sold at Maze Days. Grab it in our online shop or get vintage spirit wear in limited sizes at Maze Days.

WE DID IT! PTA Newsletter, 6/2/24

Happy end-of-the-school-year! Roosevelt PTA wishes you an excellent summer and thanks our school community for your support this school year. This newsletter looks back on our efforts and forward to the next school year. 

We did it! Fundraising updates

Congratulations Raccoons! Thanks to your hard work, we raised $95,000 this year; that is 125% of our goal!!! Together with a one time gift of $25,000 we will be able to bring some exciting new improvements and programs to campus.

Pond and Reading Garden
We all love the pond, and now it’s going to be even better! We plan to improve the area outside the library and pond with creative seating, shade, and landscaping to create a calming outdoor space for students to read and enjoy the fish pond. We will also be able to make much needed repairs to the pond to protect our precious fish. 

Garden is back!
We are very excited to re-introduce the garden program for all grades next year. In partnership with Each Green Corner, a local non-profit, each class will have access to vital education on natural ecosystems and food production while playing in the dirt.

More support for field trips and outdoor education
Our students benefit so much from field trips and outdoor education. Next year we will be able to provide more support for these vital programs so teachers can help expand minds and horizons for all children.

Jog-a-thon wrap-up

Jog-a-thon was a great day for our runners, and we raised $37,272. Congratulations to our Grand Prize winner, Anders Onguka and Runner Up: Lauren Buck! We should be proud that 203 students raised money, 144 students met the goal of $80 and 10 classes + 8th grade made their goal. The winning classes are Ms. Kamlley, Mrs. Torres, Ms. Mallari, Ms. Barrios, Mrs. Tsuchiyama, Ms. Taylor, Ms. Heon, Mrs. Emery, Ms. Lunde, Mrs. Holland and 8th grade!  

Thank you to our generous sponsors for covering our costs (Dehoff’s Key Market, Woodside Pediatric Dentistry, W.L. Butler, Andrews Orthodontics, CSI Electrical Contractors, Inc, Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Burgos Design Group, Creative Gates, Allison Fujimoto Sotheby’s Realtor, & Donut King) and to all the volunteers who make Jog-a-thon our best community event. 

Water Party this week!

Since we made our school-wide Jog-a-thon goal the students have earned a Water Party on Thursday June 6, 11:30am-1:30pm. We are looking for a few volunteers to help. If you’re available please sign up here

Looking forward 

PTA is powered by parents!
As our children graduate, we need parents of younger children to carry on the work of the PTA. We are still looking for a vice president to replace our president in 2025-26. We need an assistant treasurer to learn the job and take over for our treasurer after her term. We also have a newly created role to help guide the garden and pond program.  Please reach out to if you are interested in these or any other small roles. 

Spirit Wear
Stock up on spirit wear for the new school year! New Roosevelt spirit wear is available and going forward can be purchased on demand at the Roosevelt Swag Shop: Sample sizes will be available at Maze Days, but the new spirit wear will be sold online only.  Excess inventory of vintage spirit wear- in limited sizes-  will be sold at Maze Days for 1/2 price.

Save the dates!

  • Kinder Playdate: Saturday 8/3, 10am-12pm on the upper campus playground. Join this playdate for incoming kindergarten and TK students to get to know each other before school starts.
  • Maze Days: Friday 8/9, 8:30-11am and 12-2:30pm. Come for back to school information in addition to your class assignments. 
  • First Day of School: Wednesday, August 14

Have a wonderful summer!

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