Roosevelt Parents

School and PTA Resources for all Roosevelt Parents

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4/28 PTA Newsletter

3 weeks to Jog-a-thon! 

Get ready for our annual Roosevelt School Jog-a-thon! With just 3 weeks to go, it’s time to start fundraising for this exciting event on May 16th. Each student’s goal is to raise $80 to help support PTA-funded programs like art and music, field trips, and family fun nights. So far only 50 of 469 (or 11%) of students have started online fundraising. There’s still plenty of time to get started!

Fundraising isn’t just about supporting our school; it’s also an opportunity for students to win exciting prizes like trips to Great America and bowling. Every $20 they raise puts the student in the raffle for great (donated) prizes. Visit the JAT website for details and get ready to make a difference! Be sure to look in your email for your 99 Pledges personalized fundraising site, or follow the instructions on this link to set up a page.

With special thanks to our local sponsors for their generous donations that help pay for the Jog-a-thon event: Dehoffs’s Key Market, Woodside Pediatric Dentistry, Today Sotheby’s International Realty, CSI Electric, Andrews Orthodontics, Burgos Design Group, Mountain Mike’s, Creative Gates,   W.L. Butler, and Donut King Redwood City. Be sure to visit their businesses to show your support!

Volunteers needed for Jog-a-thon

Jog-a-thon volunteers are needed between the hours of 7am and 1:30pm on the day of the event.  If you are interested in helping (even just part of the time!) please sign up for a shift (or 2!). You can escort your child’s class down to the field, take photos, help set-up or break down and more! Sign up here

Join the PTA Board

Join our PTA Board! As we look ahead to the new school year, we have exciting opportunities for parent community members to become involved. While our current PTA members’ children are transitioning to upper grades, we’re eager to welcome parents from lower grades (K, 1, or 2) to bring fresh perspectives to our team. We’re seeking candidates for various positions. If you’re passionate about making a difference in our school community, we encourage you to reach out to PTA President, Whitney for more information. 

New Raccoon Swag

Ready to rock some Roosevelt Raccoons pride with our school uniform-approved swag? Check out our selection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more featuring the new Raccoons logo! Make your purchases in our swag shop here.

PTA Meeting in May

The last PTA Meeting of the year Tuesday, May 28 at 6pm. We will be wrapping up the school year and voting for new PTA positions. Please join us to help make next year be the best it can be! The meeting takes place in person in the staff room and virtually with this link.

Key Dates in May

5/6-10 Mental Health Awareness Week
5/6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 8th grade car wash
5/10 Variety Show, McKinley auditorium 6pm
5/16 Jog-a-thon
5/23 Coffee with the Principal
5/27 Memorial Day – no school
5/28 PTA meeting 6pm

3/3 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

PTA Fundraising update
With three months left of the school year, we are aiming to reach our $77,000 fundraising goal. Fundraising is critical in the last few months of the school year. You can give back with our Easter See’s Candy fundraiser, restaurant nights, and of course our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Jog-a-thon. Read below for more details on what is coming up, including the return of Family Lego Night!    

Family Lego Night
On Friday March 8 from 6:30 – 8:30pm, Roosevelt PTA is excited to bring back Family LEGO Night!! This is a free event for the entire family. Come and build! We will not be serving dinner so please eat before you arrive. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door for $1 each (cash only) for the chance to win LEGO sets.  Lastly, we’re looking for volunteers to donate baked goods and help with the event: please sign up here. If you have questions, reach out to Bridgette

Chipotle Fundraiser
Be sure to mention Roosevelt at Chipotle on Tuesday, March 5 from 4-8pm and 33% of sales get donated to Roosevelt School PTA. Visit the store at 861 Middlefield Rd or order online with the code N8WHY7A

Sees Fundraiser
Did you find the Sees fundraising flyer in your child’s Thursday folder? We hope you will consider asking friends and family to purchase some chocolate to raise money for Roosevelt field trips. Delicious goodies will arrive before Easter, if candy is ordered by the March 22 deadline. See this flyer for more information.

Jog-a-thon sponsors
May 16, 2024 is our 6th annual Jog-a-thon, our primary annual fundraiser. We are seeking sponsors to cover the cost of the event so that all student fundraising directly benefits the school. If you are a local business or know of someone who can contribute, contact Gabriel.

Seeking IT & Web Support Volunteer
Are you tech savvy and have a few extra hours to lend the PTA support? We need to upgrade crucial infrastructure such as: website security, wordpress, email, website content. Please contact Whitney at if you can help with one or all of these needs. 

Monthly PTA Meeting
Attending monthly PTA meetings is a great way to get involved and learn more about what’s going on at Roosevelt School. PTA meetings happen monthly on the last Tuesday of the month, and occur in person and virtually. Here is the link for the meeting on Tuesday March 26 from 6-7pm: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 562-281-4295‬ PIN: ‪527 099 105‬#

Key Dates in March

5  Chipotle Fundraiser
7  Super minimum day 11:50am dismissal
8  Lego Night 6:30-8:30pm
14  Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
22  See’s Candy forms due
26  School Site Council meeting 4pm
26  PTA meeting 6pm

1/28 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

PTA Fundraising update

Great news: we are well on our way to making our $77,000 fundraising goal this year! We’re very optimistic about bringing the garden program back for the 24/25 school year. In the meantime, our community is helping to take care of the garden through maintenance days and recently, a local Cub Scout Troop volunteered and weeded the garden. Thank you! Fundraising is critical in the last 5 months of the school year. Look for ways you can give with an Easter See’s Candy fundraiser, restaurant nights, and of course our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Jog-a-thon.

Jog-a-thon news

On May 16, 2024, Roosevelt students will participate in our 6th annual Jog-a-thon (JAT), the primary annual fundraiser that raises money to pay for the programs funded by the Roosevelt PTA! With your help, we hope to raise approximately $80 per student. New this year, we will be creating fundraising webpages for all students who are in the school’s Online Directory. If you opted out of being in the directory, but would like to have a JAT fundraising site auto-created for your student, please send your student’s name and your email to Jenny Barnes at If you have any JAT questions, come by the PTA table at the Reading Fair on Friday, February 9 at 5:30pm.

Volunteer opportunities with the PTA

We are always providing ways for you to get involved in the Roosevelt community. Volunteering is a great way to get to know people and give back! Here are a few volunteer opportunities we are looking to fill:

IT & Web Support
Are you tech savvy and have a few extra hours to lend the PTA support? We need to upgrade crucial infrastructure such as: website security, wordpress, email, website content. Please contact Whitney at whitney@roosevelt-pta if you can help with one or all of these needs. 

Variety Show
The Variety Show is happening again this year in May. It’s a wonderful event full of students dancing, singing and sharing their talents with the Roosevelt community. We need a parent volunteer to take the helm and participate in auditions and pra

ctices, day-of logistics (lighting/sound/program), and concessions. The total commitment is 12-16 hours: please contact Whitney to volunteer.

Eat out for the PTA

Please join us for our next Roosevelt restaurant fundraiser on Thursday, February 15th (all day) at Redwood City Barbeque, 640 Woodside Rd. Mention Roosevelt School and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the PTA. Save the date for Chipotle on Tuesday, March 5th (4:00-8:00pm), 861 Middlefield Rd (english flyer, spanish flyer)

Key Dates in February

2 Upper campus celebrates 100th day of school
5 No school for staff professional development
8 Reading Fair boards due
9 Reading Fair family event 5:30pm
12-16 8th graders at Yosemite
19-23 Presidents’ Week – no school
27 School Site Council meeting 4pm
27 PTA meeting 6pm

12/4 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

Seasons Greetings, Raccoons! 

The Roosevelt PTA wishes our community a healthy and happy holiday season. The first half of the school year was full of fun events – the Family Dinner Dance, Spooktacular Bingo, the Reading Fair, and more. We look forward to bringing you more community-building events and to supporting our students and the school in the new year. This newsletter is full of ways you can give – to the PTA, to our students and more. 

Give to the PTA 

You may have seen our Giving Tuesday message this past week. In the spirit of the season, many of us donate to our favorite causes in December as a tax write-off.  If you are looking to make a donation before the end of the year, consider giving to the Roosevelt PTA. Be sure to look into corporate matching if your workplace offers a program. Learn more here

Donate to the Roosevelt Family Center 

Together with the Roosevelt Family Center, the PTA will be helping to assemble items for comfort kits for students to take home with them during the winter break. Students can choose from common personal items they might need over the holidays. We are seeking shampoo, conditioner and hair styling essentials, body wash, deodorant, body lotion, hand sanitizer, flushable wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss, and other personal essential items. We have created a wish list with items we would like to collect. If you are able to contribute, please consider ordering items from our wish list or bringing items to the school office to donate. Click here to contribute

See’s Candy Holiday Fundraiser

December 7 is the last day to order See’s Candy! All sales support school field trips, including the 5th and 8th grade overnighters. Candy will arrive just before the winter break – just in time for holiday gift giving.

Shop at Sports Basement

Happy holidays from Roosevelt PTA and Sports Basement! As a thank you for your continued support you’ll receive up to 20% off at your local Sports Basement store until December 12 – just show this email at the register for your exclusive discount. 10% of the profits made from our Sports Basement Basementeer supporters will go back to  Roosevelt PTA! 

Jog-a-thon planning kickoff coming! 

Jog-a-thon is the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s also the most fun event the PTA hosts! Jog-a-thon will take place this year on May 16, but our planning starts early. If you are interested in helping the planning committee, or want to learn more, consider joining our Jog-a-thon meeting on Wednesday, December 6. Join us at this meeting link or contact Gabby at

Parents’ Night Out

The 8th grade is offering Roosevelt families their babysitting services on the evening of Friday, December 8th from 6-8pm. The 8th graders, under the supervision of several teachers and staff, will be providing activities and games in the school cafeteria. Attendees must be Roosevelt students enrolled in TK-5th grade. The price is $10.00 per student. Pizza and snacks will be available for purchase. In order to sign up, please complete this form by Thursday, December 7. Payments will be due at the time of drop off in cash or check made out to the Roosevelt PTA.

Key dates in December

4-8 Inclusive Schools Week

8 Parents’ Night Out 6-8pm

12 School Site Council meeting 4pm

13 ELAC meeting 8:15am

14 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am

21 Start of winter break

11/28 Giving Tuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday is a global movement that reimagines a world built upon radical generosity, following Cyber Monday and kicking off the season of giving. If you are looking to give a tax deductible donation to a cause that matters, how about your child’s education through giving to the Roosevelt Parent Teacher Association?

Our Roosevelt PTA Enrichment Fund strives to improve the education of every child at Roosevelt and supports family events, the art and music enrichment programs, and so much more! We take donations at 100% of our target of $350 per child or $500 per family per school year, or any dollar amount you choose. It’s also a great time to find out if your company offers  corporate matching of your donation. Some will match dollar-per-dollar, and others will match a portion of the contribution, up to a pre-determined maximum amount. To learn more about corporate donation matching, click on this link here.

Our volunteer run Parent Teacher Association thanks you for your support and wishes you a very happy holiday season.



10/29 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who came out for Spooktacular Bingo this week, we love to see your creative costumes and fun competitive spirit. This year is David S. Pumpkin’s last year as our spooky MC. We are so grateful for his dedication to Roosevelt – even long after his kids moved on! Thank you Scott, your shoes will be hard to fill.

This newsletter will cover all the fundraising and fun things PTA has coming up this fall. We are always looking for new parents to get involved and would be happy to have you volunteer! Contact Whitney to learn more. 

Beautiful Day in the Roosevelt Garden 

Join us for a day in the school garden on November 4 from 9am-1pm. Bring your gloves and trowels and help us clear weeds and debris in the school garden. Come any time and stay for as long as you like. We’ll have donut holes for all! While you’re here, stop by the Book Fair. Go here to sign up to help. 

Book Fair

The Book Fair will be held from November 3-8 in the Roosevelt Library. The special Family Fair is on Saturday, November 4 from 9am-1:30pm. Make it a day by shopping the Book Fair and helping in the garden! Volunteers are needed to set up and break-down, to cashier, restock and organize, and to help kids make their selections of books and toys. If you are unable to volunteer in person, we’re also seeking donations of small water bottles and packages of cookies for our Saturday Family fair. Please review the available slots in the Book Fair volunteer sign up

Mountain Mike’s Gives Back! Join us for Roosevelt Pizza Night

On Wednesday, November 15th, place an order at Mountain Mike’s Pizza and 20% of your bill will be automatically donated to Roosevelt. We appreciate your generosity!

Order Options:

Jog-a-thon Kickoff coming this week

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is the Jog-a-thon, which will take place on May 16. We need new volunteers to help us pull it off. Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 1 at 7pm online. If you are interested in attending the meeting to learn how you can help, join us at this meeting link or contact Gabby at

Jog-a-thon roles needing to be filled:

  • Prizes chair – coordinate and solicit gifts for the student prize raffle 
  • Fundraising chair – help keep the energy rolling with the kids on fundraising via rallies, signs, other things

See’s Candy holiday fundraiser 

To support school field trips, including the 5th and 8th grade overnighters, we are holding a See’s Candy holiday fundraising drive. Look for forms in blue folders, coming soon. Be sure to have your filled out forms back by the first week of December – candy will arrive before the winter break.

School Directory

The Roosevelt School Directory is live! Connecting with other Roosevelt families is easy with our online directory. It’s searchable by name, grade, teacher, and more and provides parent and teacher contact information. Go here to get started. 

Key dates in November

11/1 Professional Development for staff–NO SCHOOL
11/4 Gardening day 9am-1pm
11/4 Book Fair 9am-1:30pm
11/6-8 Book Fair
11/9 End of trimester 1–NO SCHOOL
11/10 Veterans Day holiday–NO SCHOOL
11/14 School Site Council meeting 4pm
11/15 Fire drill 1:30pm
11/16 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
11/22-24 Thanksgiving break–NO SCHOOL
11/28 PTA meeting 6-7pm

10/1 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – It’s spooky season!

Family dance 2023

Welcome to our once-a-month newsletter that features a recap of the monthly PTA Meeting, upcoming events, and ways to get involved in the Roosevelt community.


Great News!! We are off to a really great start with donations this year. Thanks to your generosity, we are already over 33% of our way to our annual goal. Our full year goal is $77,000 ,which allows us to fully fund and possibly expand the enrichment programs we offer on campus. It’s not too late to give to the PTA! Donate to the annual Enrichment Fund here, and learn more about corporate matching here. Your company may match your contribution dollar-for-dollar!

PTA Events

Thank you to everyone that attended the Family Dinner Dance! It was a great way to kick off the year. Our next event is on October 27 from 6:30-8:00pm. Spooktacular Bingo is THE event of the year – come in costume and there’ll be bingo, big prizes, and a little bit of “boo”!  The event will include snacks but not dinner. We are looking for a co-chair and volunteers, please sign up here. Tickets are only $5 a person or $20 for a family! Please RSVP and pay in advance via our @RooseveltPTARaccoons Paypal, so that we have a head count, but we will also sell tickets at the door. Spooktacular Bingo Flyer

Ways to get involved

Join the PTA and attend meetings
A simple way to get involved is to join the PTA! PTA membership allows you to vote on issues and is only  $5 per year. You don’t have to be a member of the PTA in order to attend meetings or have an opinion! PTA meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 24 at 6pm. 

Jog-a-thon Committee
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is the Jog-a-thon and we need new volunteers to help us pull it off. Volunteers help us get sponsors, prizes, and so much more! Our first meeting will be held soon. If you are interested in assisting, contact Gabby at

Room Parents
Teachers still need Room Parents for several classrooms, and there is always opportunity to co-Room Parent if you don’t see your child’s class on the “needs a parent” list. Room Parents should be on the lookout to help with the Fall Festivals (10/31). The following teachers are still seeking Room Parents: McLain, Emery, Miller, Hawthorne, Miller and Tran. If interested, please reach out to Alina VIllanueva, Room Parent Coordinator, to volunteer or ask questions.  

Garden Program
While the PTA is not funding the teacher-led Garden Program this year, there are still ways to help in the garden! We are hoping to organize 2-3 workdays in the garden this year to ensure that it is maintained and ready for a gardening program in the next school year. We are seeking volunteers with gardening knowledge to organize workdays. If you would like to get involved, contact Whitney Glockner Black 

IT Help needed
Do you have experience with websites, wordpress, and other such things? Volunteer to help us with IT projects! The PTA is seeking help with our website, upgrading our wordpress site, and our email integration. Contact Whitney Glockner Black if you are interested. 

Health and Wellness

Are there any health and wellness needs that you think our students could use? Let your voice be heard on one of two Redwood City School District committees: the Health & Wellness Committee  or the CNS Advisory Committee. If you are interested, contact Patrinia Redd, Director of Health and Wellness at or (650) 482-2252.

Key dates in October

10/9 Indigenous Peoples’ Day–No school
10/12 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am, library
10/17 School Site Council meeting 4pm
10/24 PTA meeting, 6pm
10/27 Spooktacular Bingo Halloween Party, 6:30-8pm


9/3 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – All-things-PTA

PTA jog-a-thon

If you missed the PTA Info Night meeting this week, not to worry, this newsletter is here to inform you of all-things-PTA! PTA meetings happen monthly on the last Tuesday of the month, and occur simultaneously in person and virtually. Our inclusive community welcomes everyone and at each meeting we offer childcare and translation. We hope to see you at the September 26 meeting. If you’d like to view the Info Night presentation, go here: Roosevelt PTA Info Night – 8_29_23

Who is the PTA and where do the funds go?

The PTA’s goal is to build community, raise money and enrich our student’s experience at Roosevelt.  The bulk of the PTA’s funding comes from our Annual Enrichment Fund, the spring Jog-a-thon fundraiser, and Spiritwear sales. A large portion of the money raised goes toward enrichment programs like art and music and also to school events. Check out the graph here to see the breakdown. 

How are we doing so far?

We are happy to announce that we are off to a good start this year! We’ve raised 27% of our annual goal. Thank you to everyone that has donated to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund. There’s still plenty of time to contribute a “100% Pledge” of $350 per child or $500 per family. Donate here. Your company may offer a corporate match program for charitable contributions – if you need help facilitating the corporate match, go to this page for more information. 

How can you help?

The PTA is comprised of Roosevelt parent volunteers, and we are always seeking new parents to get involved. Parent volunteers can help as little or as much as they are able! This year, we are seeking help in the garden, help with our website, and help with events and fundraising. We are also seeking room parents to help teachers with special events and to communicate with other parents in their class. Visit our volunteer sign-up to find all the opportunities and reach out to us if you have any questions – we’d love to have you join us!

Room Parents needed

Looking for a way to support your teacher this year? Consider becoming a Room Parent. We still need parents for the following grades:

TK:  Kayla Kamlley
2nd: Michelle McCaffrey (Emery)
3rd: Lydia Pacheco
4th: Ashley Miller
5th: Stephany Acevedo
8th: Natalia Hawthorne and Montana Miller
SLC: Jesica McLain and Dennis Tran

If interested, please reach out to Alina VIllanueva, Room Parent Coordinator, to volunteer or ask questions. 

What are easy ways to get involved with the PTA?

Here are three easy ways to get involved:

  1. Come to an event
  2. Volunteer one time this year 
  3. Make a small donation 

What’s coming up?

Say hi to us at one of our upcoming events! Our annual Family Dinner Dance is back on Friday, September 15th, from 6-8pm. Roosevelt students, family and staff will enjoy a taco bar dinner, a photo corner and DJ dancing.  This is a great way to welcome everyone back for another great year. Tickets are only $5 a person or $20 for a family! Please RSVP and pay in advance via our @Roosevelt-PTA Venmo, so that we have a head count, but we will also sell tickets at the door. We also need your help! Sign up here to set-up, serve food, or clean up – anything you can do, we appreciate. Also, save the date for Spooktacular Bingo on October 27. Come in costume, play games and win fun prizes. It’s always a spooktacular time! 

Key dates in September and October

9/4 Labor Day – no school
9/6 Picture day
9/6 Back to School Night, 5:30pm
9/15 Family Dinner Dance, 6-8pm
9/7 District super minimum day – ALL students dismissed at 11:50am
9/12 School Site Council, 4pm
9/26 PTA meeting, 6pm
10/24 PTA meeting, 6pm
10/27 Spooktacular Bingo Halloween Party

8/6 Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school from the Parent Teacher Association! We have a very exciting year ahead full of events and fundraising activities to help support our school. Here is everything you need to know about the PTA in August.

Upcoming Events 

  • Thu Aug 10 – Fri 11th Maze Days (we need volunteers, click here to sign up
  • Sat Aug 12, 10am – 12pm – Incoming Kinder Playdate – Upper campus playground
  • Tue Aug 29, 6pm  – PTA Information Night – online and in the Staff Room 
  • Wed Sep 6 – Back to School Night 
  • Tue Sep 26, 6pm – PTA Meeting – online and in the Staff Room 

August 10 – 11 Maze Days – we need volunteers 

We need volunteers to help at Maze Days, the one-stop back to school information event. Maze Days is Thursday August 10, 2-5pm and Friday, August 11 from 11am-2pm. Anyone, even a new parent, can volunteer to help at Maze Days. It doesn’t take any experience. To view and sign up for a volunteer shift, please see our sign up genius: click here to sign up 

For everyone attending Maze Days, you can stop by the PTA table and sign up to volunteer and make a contribution to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund. 

August 12, 10am -12pm –  Kinder Play Date 

On Saturday, August 12, 10am – 12am at the Roosevelt Upper Campus playground the PTA will host a play date for incoming kinder and other new families in K-2. Come on by and meet other new and existing Roosevelt families. No need to sign up; just come and play! 

August 29, 6pm – PTA Info Night and first Meeting 

We invite you to join us online or in person for a PTA information night on Tuesday, August 29 at 6pm in the Staff Room. Find out about what the PTA is, what we do, and how you can help. We hold all meetings in English and Spanish, and childcare is provided on campus. 

Our First full PTA meeting including new business will take place on Tuesday, September 26 at 6pm online and on campus in the Staff Room. Online link here

We need your donations 

Fundraising is a major part of what the PTA does. We fund valuable enrichment programs like Music, Art, and Garden as well as funding campus improvement including our new upper school playground! We appreciate your support in any amount, but please consider the suggested contribution of $350 per child or $500 per family. Donate online or in person at Maze Days. 


What better way to show your Roosevelt Raccoons spirit than with Spiritwear?! You can pick up your uniform-approved Roosevelt swag at Maze Days or check out our online store.

Summer is almost here! Roosevelt PTA Newsletter – Jun 4, 2023

Happy last week of school! Roosevelt PTA wishes you an excellent summer and thanks you for your support this school year. So many parents and students supported the efforts of the PTA this year. Together, we sent our 5th and 8th graders on trips to Outdoor Ed and Yosemite. We had yet another excellent fund-raising Jog-a-thon (thank you friends, families and sponsors!). We watched our students shine in the Variety Show and we celebrated as a community at the Family Dinner Dance and Spooktacular Bingo. Of course, the biggest and most lasting PTA effort this year is the addition of the new and improved upper campus playground. Our children love it! 

In 2023-2024, the primary goals of the PTA will be:

  • To build connections on our campus with community events, volunteer opportunities, room parent participation and so much more
  • To increase our fundraising so that we can continue to fund programs like music and art
  • To raise enough funds to bring back the garden program

How do we make our goals? We need your help to make it all happen! Please give to the PTA, volunteer, and come to our meetings to help us make Roosevelt a better place for all our children.

Kinder Playdates

PTA is hosting two playdates for incoming kindergarten and TK students for new Roosevelt families to get to know each other before school starts. Both playdates are on the new upper campus playground and older children are welcome. If you have a student entering TK or kindergarten next year, please join us on Saturday, June 10, 2-4pm and Saturday, August 12, 10am-12pm.

Room Parents

A great way to give back to the school community in the new year is to sign up to be a Room Parent. What do Room Parents do? You will: communicate with your class about events and fundraising, support classroom events and PBL activities, support teacher needs and attend PTA meetings. If you are interested in getting involved, email or

Maze Days

Maze Days is our annual event to kick off the new school year and to introduce families to school services, the PTA and their new teachers! Parent volunteers are needed for various roles to help out. Mark your calendars! Maze Days are on Thursday, August 10, 2-5pm and Friday, August 11, 9am-12pm. As a way of thanking our volunteers, if you do sign up to help out, you can finalize your child’s paperwork 30 minutes prior to the start of Maze Day to “jump” the line. Sign up to help here

Have a great summer and see you next year!

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