Make sure to mark your calendars for the following events at Roosevelt this week:
Monday , February 25
End Box Tops Contest — Boys v. Girls — Turn in your Box Tops!
Student of the Month Assemblies:
8:05am – 6th & 7th
9:00am – 2nd & 3rd
9:30am – 4th & 5th
10:30am – 1st
11:40am – Kinder
PTA meeting at 6:00pm in the Faculty Lounge (Room 14).The PTA will be discussing upcoming fundraising events and looking at where we stand with the budget for enrichment programs for this year. All are welcome to attend and Spanish translation is available. Free childcare is offered in the YMCA room. (Attendance counts toward your 40 hour time commitment)
Tuesday, February 26
Caroll Webster, the Redwood City children’s librarian, is coming to Roosevelt to read stories and talk to the Kindergarten students about the Kindercard program and Super Saturday at the Main Library.
Wednesday, February 27
7th Grade Field Trip to Stanford University
6th Grade Teacher Sarah Coyle being Honored at 17th District PTA luncheon
12:00-2:00 Volunteers needed to weed the area in front of the office (more information below)
Restaurant fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese (2541 El Camino) from 3:00pm – 9:00pm. Chuck E Cheese will donate 15% of sales back to Roosevelt. Invite friends and family and help raise more money for Roosevelt!
Thursday, February 28
Please come and meet with Principal Girardi over a cup of coffee and breakfast snacks at 8:00am in Room 1. Hear first hand about district and school news, talk about any issues or concerns you may have or just come for the coffee. This is also a great opportunity to meet other Roosevelt parents! This is a very casual meeting so if you can only drop in for a few minutes, you’re still welcome to attend. Spanish translation is available for those that need it. If you have a younger child, you are welcome to bring him/her.
School visit by School Board Trustee Dennis McBride at 9:00am
Principal’s Winter Reading Club Party
Friday, March 1
Free Dress Friday
Important Dates…
March 5 – 4th & 7th Graders – CST Writing Test
March 6 – Candy sale order forms due
March 15 – March 21 – Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences – Minimum Day Schedule
March 15 – March 22 – Early Bird Schedule for Kindergarten classes
March 18 – Entry Forms Due for RWC Art Contest “My Redwood City – Places, Faces & Events”
March 22 – Minimum Day – Begin Spring Break
March 25 – April 5 – Spring Break – No School
April 8 – End Spring Break – Classes Resume
April 12 – Movie Night! – Wreck-it Ralph at 6:15pm
Trivia Question…
Black History month is coming to an end, so let’s see how many of you know which amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery:
a. 7th Amendment
b. 12th Amendment
c. 13th Amendment
d. 19th Amendment
Make your guess and find out if you’re right at the bottom!
Recycling Fundraiser…
Bring in your bottles and cans to help raise money for Roosevelt. Recycling donations can be dropped off all this week!
Jiji Math for iPad/Kindle Fire/Android Tablets…
Roosevelt has purchased the license for activation of JiJi on iPads (it will not work on iPods or iPhones), Kindle Fires and Select Android Devices. The home activation instructions can be found on the parent blog at The app is free in the app stores but they need to have the activation code for it to work.
Candy Fundraiser…
The World’s Finest Chocolate Spring/Easter candy fundraiser has begun! Additional flyers and order forms are available in the school office. Orders are due on March 6. Orders will be distributed the week of March 11.
Candy Fundraiser Volunteers Needed…
3rd Grade Parent Patty Lineras has generously volunteered to run the World’s Finest candy fundraiser, but she needs some help! If you can volunteer a few hours of your time to help count orders or put orders together to send out, please contact the school office or contact Patty Lineras at
Weeding Help needed…
We need volunteers from 12-2 on Wednesday, February 27 to weed the front beds near the office. We will have volunteers from PCC too.
Megan Goulden will bring cold drinks; everyone should bring gloves and weeding tools if they have them. You don’t have to stay the whole time- even 25 minutes would help! Contact Megan Goulden for more information at
PTA Pledges…
Reminders were sent home for all families that wanted to make a monthly contribution to the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund. Please remember to send in your money.
If you still haven’t contributed $100 per child, or filled out a pledge form to make monthly payments, you can still do so. There’s still a lot of Enrichment programs that the PTA has to fund for this year and we need your support. Please also include your child’s name and room number so that it can be credited to your family.
Checks should be made out to Roosevelt PTA or you can make a cash donation. Please use the envelope that was sent with the reminder to send back your payment so that it can be credited to your family. You can also pay via Credit Card or bank transfer using the PayPal Donate button on the parent blog at
Thank you for your generosity!
After School Sports…
Registration is now open for Ready, Set, Run! for boys and girls age 8-14. This after school running program will train the students to run in the Redwood City 4th of July Fun Run. Participants will receive 12 weeks of running instruction, a training manual, t-shirt and and enrollment in the RWC Fun Run. Students will learn about proper physical training and nutrition, goal setting, confidence, peer pressure, self esteem and respecting authority. Cost $50. Registration deadline: March 1, 2013. Registration forms are available at Red Morton Community Center (1120 Roosevelt Avenue)
Volunteer Timesheet Is Now Online…
You can now submit your volunteer hours using our new online form on the blog. Just go to and select the Volunteering tab. Complete the form and click Submit and you’re done! You can fill out the form each time you’ve completed some of your 40 hours, or wait until you’ve logged several hours and then fill out the form.
“Like” us on Facebook…
Please be sure to “Like” the Roosevelt page to get school and district updates and pictures from Roosevelt school events in your news feed.
If you’ve liked our page, but don’t see any updates in your news feed, it’s because Facebook has been using a formula that hides posts for pages that don’t pay for sponsored placements. What can you do? Go to our Facebook page and hover your mouse over the Liked box. Then make sure Get Notifications and Show in News Feed are checked.
Trivia Question Answer…
The correct answer is c. 13th Amendment. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, by the House on January 31, 1865, and adopted on December 6, 1865. On December 18, Secretary of State William H. Seward proclaimed it to have been adopted. It was the first of the three Reconstruction Amendments adopted after the American Civil War.
There is a temporary Black History Museum set up in the old McWhorter’s site next to Lucky’s in Woodside Plaza. The 11,000-square-foot space is full of exhibits honoring African Americans’ contributions to history. Visitors can see photos, memorabilia and reading material illustrating important moments in black history.
The exhibit is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sundays from noon to 6 p.m.Admission is free, but donations are suggested in the amount of $5 for adults, and $3 for students and senior citizens.
Have a great week!
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