Make sure to mark your calendars for the following events at Roosevelt this week:
Monday – Friday – Benchmark Testing! Make sure your child gets plenty of rest!
Monday , February 18
President’s Day Holiday – No School
Friday, February 22
SPARK Assembly for Middle School grades at 1:15. SPARK Apprenticeship program approved at Roosevelt for 2013/2014 school year.
Important Dates…
February 25 – End Box Tops Contest — Boys v. Girls
February 25 – Student of the Month Assemblies
February 25 – PTA Meeting at 6:00pm
February 27 – 7th Grade Field Trip to Stanford University
February 27 – 6th Grade Teacher Sarah Coyle Honored at 17th District PTA luncheon
February 27 – Restaurant Fundraiser – Chuck E Cheese
February 28 – Coffee with Principal Girardi at 8:00am
February 28 – School visit by School Board Trustee Dennis McBride
February 28 – Principal’s Winter Reading Club Party
March 1 – Free Dress Friday
March 5 – 4th & 7th Graders – CST Writing Test
March 6 – Candy sale order forms due
Trivia Question…
If every family that pledged a monthly donation to the Enrichment Fund at the beginning of the year turned in their payment, how much would be earned each month?
a. $3,250
b. $4,868
c. $5,765
d. $6,233
Make your guess and find out if you’re right at the bottom!
Have You Seen the Thermometers?…
You should have received a flyer in the Thursday folder about the current status of the Roosevelt Enrichment Fund. Thermometers are also going up around campus as well. We need to raise $65,000 this year and we are short of our goal. Currently, less than 25% of families have contributed to the fund and we need 100% from each family to come close to our goal. That’s .55 per day that your child is in school. What does the fund pay for? The Enrichment Fund pays for Art, Music (grades K & 1), Field Trips, Educational Assemblies, Classroom Visitors, $100 for each teacher for classroom supplies, support for After School Enrichment (dance, art, music, drama, etc.), Outdoor Education, Family Fun Nights, and much, much more! Please make your donation today so that these programs can continue this year. For your convenience, we’ve added a PayPal donate button on the parent blog so that you can pay with your credit card or PayPal account. ( Every Family Contributes. Every Child Benefits.
Box Tops…
It’s time for another Box Tops contest! This one is Boys vs. Girls and the winners will win an extra recess! The contest ends on Monday, February 25. Box Tops may be turned in to the Boy or Girl boxes in the school office. Look for Box Tops on products such as Kleenex, Cheerios, Hefty, Ziploc, Huggies, etc. Look for the flyers that came home in last Thursday’s folder!
Candy Fundraiser…
The World’s Finest Chocolate Spring/Easter candy fundraiser has begun! Flyers and order forms came home in last Thursday’s folder. Orders are due on March 6. Orders will be distributed the week of March 11.
Parent Volunteers Needed…
3rd Grade Parent Patti Lineras has generously volunteered to run the World’s Finest candy fundraiser, but she needs some help! If you can volunteer a few hours of your time to help count orders or put orders together to send out, please contact the school office.
Paper Product Supplies Needed…
The 6th graders are still making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless and they need more sandwich bags, paper plates, paper towels and plastic knives, and also some antibacterial kitchen wipes. Any donations are appreciated and can be dropped off in the school office.
On the Parent Blog…
Two articles were posted this week. The first is about how walking or biking to school can increase a student’s concentration for up to 4 hours in the morning. The second is a short YouTube video from on how to look deeper at school test scores. And the PayPal Donate button is now live! Pictures are always wanted for each grade’s blog page. If you have one or two to share, please send them in!
Willy Wonka Junior…
Come enjoy Willy Wonka Junior proudly presented by Clifford School and San Carlos Children’s Theater. This stage production is a delightful musical based on Roald Dahl’s book, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. You can sing along with the young voices belting out the oh-so-popular Oompa Loompa “jingle,” while a crew of squirrels and other characters take care of business. Soak up the antics of Mr. Wonka’s invited guests, including Charlie & his grandfather. Show times: Friday, Feb 22, 7PM; Saturday, Feb 23, 7PM; Sunday, Feb 24, 1PM. Tickets start at $10. Performances: Mustang Hall, Central Middle School, 828 Chestnut Street, San Carlos. Tix available at the school office, 225 Clifford Ave, RWC, and online, http://www.CliffordSchoolPTO.
After School Sports…
Registration is now open for Ready, Set, Run! for boys and girls age 8-14. This after school running program will train the students to run in the Redwood City 4th of July Fun Run. Participants will receive 12 weeks of running instruction, a training manual, t-shirt and and enrollment in the RWC Fun Run. Students will learn about proper physical training and nutrition, goal setting, confidence, peer pressure, self esteem and respecting authority. Cost $50. Registration deadline: March 1, 2013. Registration forms are available at Red Morton Community Center (1120 Roosevelt Avenue)
Volunteer Timesheet Is Now Online…
You can now submit your volunteer hours using our new online form on the blog. Just go to and select the Volunteering tab. Complete the form and click Submit and you’re done! You can fill out the form each time you’ve completed some of your 40 hours, or wait until you’ve logged several hours and then fill out the form.
“Like” us on Facebook…
Please be sure to “Like” the Roosevelt page to get school and district updates and pictures from Roosevelt school events in your news feed.
Trivia Question Answer…
The correct answer is b. $4,868. If we had collected that pledged amount each month, the Enrichment Fund would have already received $34,076. In actuality, the total amount collected so far from monthly pledges is $5,765 since August. The Enrichment Fund received $6,970 in one time donations for a grand total donation to the Enrichment Fund so far of $12,735. That means that we are $52,265 short of our goal. Just over 100 families said that they are not willing to donate at all to the enrichment fund which is an additional loss of $10,000.
What does that mean for your child? Well, it could mean canceled field trips, art, assemblies, and all of the other things that PTA has budgeted for this year based on expected donations. Please put some money towards the Enrichment Fund today and save these programs! Checks can be made out to Roosevelt PTA (please include your child’s name and room # on the memo line), or use the PayPal donate button on the parent blog.
Have a great week!
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